Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Are there Anger Management Books Available

Are there Anger Management Books Available

With anger management being used in many programs and situations, there are thousands of resources available to those affected. Beside support groups, individual counseling sessions and treatment centers, there are many anger management books available to help people deal with anger-related issues. There are anger management books written focusing on different groups such as children, teenagers, adults, men, women, couples, families and anyone who is involved in situations which may require anger management advice. Anger management books for children focus on a child's reactions to feelings of anger. There are also anger management books for children, meant to be used by people working through behavioral problems with children. These books include tips and strategies for dealing with children who are experiencing difficulties caused by feelings of anger. Using these books, programs and effective treatments can be developed for anger management in children.

Anger management for teens would be focused on dealing with anger-related issues surrounding teens. Offering advice and lesson plans, these anger management books for teens may provide answers to a young person's questions regarding dealing with feelings of anger.

Adults with anger problems are different from children and teens. Adults face daily challenges which children don't understand, situations which unleash all sorts of emotions including anger. When the anger creates problems at home, at work or among friends, they might benefit from reading anger management books for adults. Couples might be able to find help in anger management books for adults as well.

With the resources available, there are doubtlessly anger management books written for families.

Where would a person find these anger management books? A doctor or medical professional ought to be able to recommend useful anger management books to interested people. A local library would be another good source for anger management books. Local bookstore and online bookstores such as Amazon should be proficient in providing a list of anger management books for all ages. The Internet is a terrific source for information on anger management. Through searching and browsing the related sites, there will be recommendations for anger management books. Once a person finds an anger management book that contains useful tips, techniques and strategies for managing anger, it would be wise to use the information in the book to make changes and work through problems with anger. Anger management books are useless sitting on a shelf collecting dust.

Monday, December 29, 2008


Food Wastage
It is estimated that four million people in the UK cannot afford a healthy diet, with one in seven people over the age of 65 at serious risk of malnourishment.
Seventeen million tonnes of surplus food is dumped on landfills every year.
Of 17 million tonnes of waste food, four million tonnes is edible.
The cost of this waste if around £18 billion annually.
Source: Fareshare
According to a 1997 study by US Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service (ERS) entitled "Estimating and Addressing America's Food Losses", about 96 billion pounds of food, or more than a quarter of the 356 billion pounds of edible food available for human consumption in the United States, was lost to human use by food retailers, consumers, and foodservice establishments in 1995.
Fresh fruits and vegetables, fluid milk, grain products, and sweeteners (mostly sugar and high-fructose corn syrup) accounted for two-thirds of the losses. 16 billion pounds of milk and 14 billion pounds of grain products are also included in this loss.

Food that could have gone to millions According to the US Department of Agriculture, up to one-fifth of America's food goes to waste each year, with an estimated 130 pounds of food per person ending up in landfills. The annual value of this lost food is estimated at around $31 billion But the real story is that roughly 49 million people could have been fed by those lost resources.
"As the millennium draws to a close, memories of the appalling man-made famine in southern Sudan last year are hard to erase. Even as this issue of Field Exchange goes to press, thousands of Angolans teeter on the edge of starvation; pawns in a long and brutal civil war over which they have little control. Famines have occurred with monotonous frequency throughout the 20th century despite enormous technological, economic and social advances - the Ukraine famine in the 1930s, the Bengal and Dutch famines of the 1940s, the great China famine of the 1950s, Biafra in the late 1960s, famines in Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan in the 1970s-90s. There are many others, though perhaps lesser known. What most of these famines have in common is a shared cause; they were all created by man. Some of the man-made famines of this century are described below. The accounts are stark, harrowing and shameful. Yet their causes and impact bear striking similarities to the famines of today." Fiona WatsonInstitute of Child Health
More than 11 million boys and girls under five years of age die every year in the Third World from diseases that are largely preventable. That means more than 30,000 every day, 21 every minute, and almost a thousand since this rally began, about 45 minutes ago.
"By the end of 1998, the Third World's external debt amounted to 2.4 trillion dollars,
that is, four times the total in 1982, only 18 years ago."

"Between 1982 and 1998, these countries paid over 3.4 trillion dollars for debt servicing;
in other words, almost a trillion dollars more than the current debt. Far from decreasing,
the debt grew by 45% in those 16 years."
"Life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa is barely 48 years. That is 30 years less than in the developed countries.

The Richest 16% of the World Uses 80% of Earth's Natural Resources

That's the estimated toll the wealthiest populations on the globe -- the United States,
Europe and Japan -- are taking from the earth's natural bounty to sustain their way of
life. In the U.S. alone, says Emily Matthews of the World Resources Institute, every
man, woman and child is responsible for the consumption of about 25 tons of raw
materials each year.

How many people go to bed hungry? "More than 820 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 790 million of them live in the Third World."

More than 800 million people still suffer from hunger or diseases associated with undernourishment, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization said in its annual report.
from: Irfan Shaik.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Amazing Sneakers for pet lover

Do you love pet?
You can find it anywhere,
But sometimes becouse of any reason we can't have it at home.
Here are another way to satisfied you as a pet lover.
Ha ha ha..... Why not? They are so funny, Amazing Sneakers.
Look and have fun ......................

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Amazing, funny pictures "PARIS AT NIGHT"

You can find these pictures anywhere on the net,
usualy they're travel agent or some what.
But I post them for fun and hope you'll enjoy it as what I do.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


NAIROBI (AFP) - A baby hippopotamus that survived the tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa, officials said the hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian Ocean , then forced back to shore when tsunami waves struck the Kenyan coast on December 26, before wildlife rangers rescued him.
'It is incredible. A-less-than- a-year-old hippo has adopted a male tortoise, about a century old, and the tortoise seems to be very happy with being a 'mother',' ecologist Paula Kahumbu, who is in charge of Lafarge Park , told AFP.

'After it was swept away and lost its mother, the hippo was traumatized. It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother. Fortunately , it landed on the tortoise and established a strong bond.. They swim, eat and sleep together,' the ecologist added. 'The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it followed its mother. If somebody approaches the tortoise, the hippo becomes aggressive, as if protecting its biological mother,' Kahumbu added. 'The hippo is a young baby, he was left at a very tender age and by nature, hippos are social animals that like to stay with their mothers for four years,' he explained.
'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.'
This is a real story that shows that our differences don't matter much when we need the comfort of another. We could all learn a lesson from these two creatures of God, 'Look beyond the differences and find a way to walk the path together.'

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Funny, Amazing Sweet Candy’s Christmas tree in Singapore

Funny Sweet Candy’s Christmas tree
Hurrah .... Christmas is coming.
Every Blessing, Joy-full, Happiness always comes with this Greeting Season.
Plenty of cute Christmas decoration found around Orchard Road, Singapore .... and it is so amazing
The most Spectacular is Christmas Tree made from sweet dry candy.
Here’re Cynthia's photo where she was in Singapore for a vacation on 5th of December 2008.
SWEETS Candy's MIX wonderful & Funny CHRISTMAS TREE
@TAKASHIMAYA's cute Teddy Bear Christmas Tree

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Funny, Guinness Book of World Records

Funny, Guinness Book of World Records,
These funny, amazing pictures, is it really worthy listing in the
Guinness Book of World Records?
Go and see by your self.
Any comment?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Comedy Podcasts

Many podcasts are available to subscribe to and watchin a variety of genres, and one of these is the comedy podcast. Every small scale wannabe writer has a chance to become a comedian through podcasting, since the low entry cost allows people to start podcasting with minimum effort and money.
To find some of these comedy podcasters, check a podcast directory. A podcast directory is a listing of many, sometimes several thousands, of podcasts submitted and divided in to categories. A podcast directory will probably have a large number of comedy podcasts available to subscribe to.
These comedy podcasts are usually created by a small team of people who do the work in their free time, as a hobby, not as a source of income. Because it is a hobby, they're more willing to give the work away for free, for nothing more than recognition, probably in the hopes they can parlay that recognition into a more main stream job. Some more corporate groups also put together comedy podcasts, however. The satirical comedy website TheOnion.com puts out a regular comedy podcast, featuring readings from their fake news site.
Placing a comedy podcast on the Internet has several advantages for the creators. They get to showcase their work, easily distributing their art to many people. This following is likely to be be unusually passionate, following the artist with more enthusiasm than the artist's average audience.
The comedian has a chance to be more open with the audience, engaging in a sort of dialogue with them. The comedian broadcasts the files, which enter the computer of the user, already a more personal level than simply hearing the jokester on theradio or on television. Compedy podcast subscribers will often then write back to the podcaster, or leave comments on the blog which often accompanies a podcast site. This can give them a degree of input and connection with the writers of the comedy podcast that is far removed from other styles of comedy distribution.
The writers and producers of a comedy podcast thus benefit from several advantages of the podcast form. It is cheap and easy to set up, and uses a distribution mechanism that is also easy to use. The way the podcast form is designed, as well, creates greater connection between the producer and the subscribers. The comedy writer has a greater ability to interact with the subscribers and to find out what they appreciate or do not. Because podcasting is so simple to get involved in, requiring only a small investment to get started, many amateur comedy writers have begun starting their own shows and distributing the feed. It is likely, because of the unique connection podcasting offers between writer and listener, that we will see at least some of these amateur comedians make the leap to the professional stage.